as Personal Individual member
The OpenPOWER Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting the free and open RISC instruction set architecture and extensions. We enable open community collaboration, technology advancements in the OpenPOWER ecosystem, and visibility of OpenPOWER successes.
Join us and see how open technical collaboration along with the support of many OpenPOWER programs can help drive your business forward.
The OpenPOWER Foundation is a 501c6 not-for-profit entity with a Board of Directors and a Technical Steering Committee.
OpenPOWER offers a tiered membership of Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Associate/Academic memberships
Membership Level | Annual Fee | Technical Steering Committee | Board/Voting Position | |
Platinum | $100k | One seat per member not otherwise represented | Includes Board position, includes TSC position | |
Gold | $60k | May be on TSC if Work Group lead | Gold members may elect up to one BOD member per three Gold members | |
Silver | $20k, $5k if <100 employees, $1k if < 10 employees | May be on TSC if Work Group lead | One board seat elected by all Silver members | |
Associate, Academic, Community | $0 | May be on TSC if Work Group lead | May be elected to one community observer, non-voting Board seat |
Fee in US dollars
as Personal Individual member
Corporate and Associate/Academic member